Selfie tips with your INSTAX camera.
Are you a self-proclaimed selfie addict? There's nothing to be ashamed of! Taking selfies with an INSTAX camera can be a fun and unique way to capture moments instantly. Whether you’re feeling yourself and want to snap the moment, or you're creating a memory with your friends, here are some tips to help you get the best selfies with your camera.

1. Use the Selfie Mirror:
Selfies are just an arm's length away, thanks to the built-in selfie mirror, found in most of the INSTAX cameras. The small mirror next to the lens is perfect to ensure you're in the frame and centered - ready to snap the perfect picture.

2.Check Your Lighting:
Good lighting is crucial for any photo. Natural light is usually the best option, so position yourself facing a window or in a well-lit area. All the INSTAX cameras come with different flash modes, to help get the right shot every time. Auto flash, suppressed flash, forced firing flash, red eye reduction mode are just a few, that ensures you get the perfect photo every time.
You can compare your own INSTAX camera and the full range via the link below, to check out the different features:
Another lighting tip is to avoid harsh direct sunlight, as it can cause overexposure. If outdoors, look for shaded areas to soften the light. However, if you’re a budding photographer, or keen to learn some skills – the mini 99 allows you to take exposure control, with the Brightness Control Dial you'll always be in tune. Find out more about the mini 99 features here:

3.Experiment with Angles:
Explore different angles to find your best side. Holding the camera slightly above eye level can create a flattering angle or tilt your head slightly or try a side angle for added interest. And when you have the urge to be in front of the camera, the self-timer time, found in the mini 90, mini 99 and mini evo, is the perfect feature to get snap those cool photos from further afar.

4.Background Matters:
Choose a clean and simple background that won't distract from the main subject and star of the shot – you! It’s called a selfie after all. Solid coloured walls, nature backgrounds, or interesting textures can also make great backdrops.

5. Take Multiple Shots:
The great thing about Pal, the mini evo and mini LiPlay is that it gives you the option to take a few shots before printing. Take a few shots with different poses or angles to increase your chances of getting the perfect selfie. Or if you’re using your phone, you can still get the INSTAX print effect with our Link Printer range.
6. Experiment with Filters:
Some Instax cameras come with built-in filters. Experiment with them to add a creative touch to your selfies. Or add the effects after using the Link Printers’ and INSTAX UP! Apps. Add icons, free style doodles or even QR codes to your INSTAX prints. The fun you can have with INSTAX is endless.

Our Top Tip - Capture Candid Moments:
Sometimes the best selfies and photos are the spontaneous ones. Don't be afraid to capture candid moments of laughter or fun.
Now you’re the selfie professional with these tops tips, we’d love to see them! Don't forget to tag us @fujiinstaxaus for a chance to get your photo featured on our Instagram feed #sharemyinstax