Discover INSTAX UP!
In a world where everything moves at a rapid pace, there's something magical about capturing a moment and holding it in your hands instantly. But what if you captured ‘the photo’ that everyone wants?
We bet you and your friends are guilty of taking a digital snap of a printed photo whenever you're in the vicinity of INSTAX prints? Are light reflections your worst enemy when you do this? Well don’t fret any longer, we’ve got you!
If you have photo prints that all your friends want but aren’t sure how to share them around – INSTAX UP! is your answer! Collect all your INSTAX film photo memories digitally, and safely, in one space.
Get started by downloading the INSTAX UP! app on your smartphone, to create your digital album. Let's start collecting those memories so they can come with you wherever you go.

It’s easy to collect memories in just 3 steps, and you can get creative with your photos with the app features like stickers, handwritten notes and backgrounds.
Step 1: Scan your INSTAX photos using the app. No need to worry about shadows or light glares – the app's advanced scanning system has them all under control.
Bonus Step: Don’t miss the step here where you can personalise your prints!
Step 2: Collect and organise your collection of scanned INSTAX photos and make the cutest collage ever! Choose your preference from either ‘Box’ or ‘List’ view, in collections of your choice.
Step 3: Share your summer snaps gallery across your chosen social media platform or message the memories to friends and family, so you never miss out on saving a memory again. Unlike your traditional scrapbook, these can cross oceans, and offer those close to us, but far away, a curated glimpse inside our memories.
Find out more with our step-by-step guide and how to download the app here:

Now you’ve shared all your snaps from the party, your travels, or simply from those fun moments spending time with friends in your neat digital collective, you can go full circle and print them again!
Connect to your INSTAX Link Printer, whether that be the mini Link 2, the SQUARE Link or Link WIDE and get printing. From there, you can share copies of the prints and DIY to your heart's content. Looking for some creative inspiration on how to display your prints? Check out our DIY Tips blog here.
Printed memories + digital storage = the best of both worlds! Preserve those precious memories, made easy with INSTAX UP! And ensures that every moment is preserved in a tangible and shareable format.